Since its founding in 1989, The Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center has encouraged industry development by promoting applied aquaculture research. Generally, each year, MAIC has invited companies and researchers to submit proposals for funding consideration.
MAIC’s grants for research have ranged from $5,000 to as much as $50,000, and have required that applicants match MAIC resources on, at least, a 1:1 basis. The state funds administered by MAIC frequently are matched with resources provided by the federal government, industry, and private foundations interested in community economic development.
MAIC manages about 15-20 funded projects at any given time. The most recent round of funded research can be found by clicking here. A summary of past funded research projects may be found here.
In 2013 & 2014, MAIC in collaboration with the Maine Aquaculture Association and Maine Sea Grant conducted a survey of R&D needs to advance the Maine industry. Click on one of the industry sectors (finfish, shellfish & Algae Survey) to view the results.